1.Where is Wote water and sewerage co. ltd located?
Wote water and Sewerage company limited is located at the Chief compound opposite Makueni County Refferal Hospital in Wote Town

2. What is required when applying for a new connection?
A new consumer is required to fill in the consumer agreement form attached, then attaché a copy of your KRA pin and National ID.
3.How do I register any complain, leakages or burst?
Use our customer care number 0783833100/ 0790833100 or send an email through wowascowote@yahoo.com or visit our offices during normal working hours.

4.What should I do in case I pay my bill to the wrong account?
Contact the customer care office or visit the company offices and the billing officers will resolve the matter

5.Why did I receive a high water bill?
This could be caused by various reasons:-
Increased consumption within you premises, Faulty meter, Wrong meter reading or Leakages within you piping system

6.Why am I billed on average/estimate?
Billing on average/estimate can be cause by the following reasons:
The meter reader could not access your premises, Faulty meter or Wrong reading